Monday, January 14, 2013

Travel Journal - Diary style (Travel Entry #1 - Diary #2)

Today was a good day~ At 11 every Monday I have a class with a Jessica the lady mentioned in my entry before this (she took me ice skating). Anyway after class we ate a Korean food called Dalkgalbi. Dalkgalbi is my favorite Korean food. It is basically chicken leg (cut off the bone), cabbage, sweet potato, and Korean rice cake stir fried together with a special spicy Dalkgalbi sauce. I'm not sure how you think that sounds, but trust me - it is delicious!

After eating the Dalkgalbi we went to Dunkin Donuts! Guess what. They have those in Korea~!!!!


They have them in America right? Otherwise the statement (they have those in Korea~!!!!) wouldn't make much sense and would sound much less excited than intended.)

I got a mint chocolate donut that tasted just like a donut textured peppermint patty (York's) and a coffee called Merry Mint Choco which was also mint chocolate flavored! I don't know if you know this but my teacher in preschool used to always feed me York's, so I basically grew up on those things (for a year). As a result, they are my favorite! I'm also in love with After 8's. They are also mint chocolate in case you didn't know that!

After eating all of that delicious food, we decided that we were being very unhealthy and Jessica gave the idea that we go hiking! I am kind of a lazy person, but my fear of being a fatty in public overcame my laziness, so I said yes. She picked up her daughter from the bus stop and we all went to Yongmun mountain! We hiked all the way up to Yongmun Temple and to the Ginko Tree. Both of these are famous sites in Korea. Yongmun Temple is mainly famous for being a temple on the top of a mountain and the Ginko Tree is a famous landmark. It is a literal ginko tree that is around 1,100 years old and only blossoms in Autumn. Also at the temple/top of the mountain there was a little fountain with fresh water continuously being poured into it. Most of it was frozen but the part where it pours in wasn't so we got to drink that out of these little red cups that they provided. Cool huh? 
After that we just walked down the mountain and went home! What a great day! :) 

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