Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I like romance books (the sweet cheesy ones) because its nice to read about love and things like that, but I don't like to write about it. I am 14 years old and have no experience. Romance is sweet, but a romance book is better from the point of view of someone who has experienced it first hand. I have no idea what to expect when I "fall in love" or whatever. I have never been in love and I am far away from it. 
I am making an exception right now though because this challenge I gave myself is more fun with a romance scenario, I think.

I wrote about the situation from three points of views. It is about a girl and boy in an office building of some kind.

The first one was just supposed to be no opinion, inanimate object, so I used a dog. The second is the girl in the story and the third is the boy in the story. I know that I could have used more things to make the girl and the boy really stand out in the way that you can tell without a title that they are DIFFERENT in gender. I think I did a really good job for my first time though! :) 

A Dog:

The boy and the girl walk out of a white door. The boy is moving his mouth, talking, a lot.. The girl is leaking from her eyes. The boy and the girl are holding each other up now. Her mouth is folded slightly upwards, so is the boys. They are walking away now. They leave the building with their hands connected.


I thought that I had lost him. He left me a few weeks ago, saying that he was holding me back from my career. I was devastated and did not give a crap about my career. I just really wanted him back. I went through different stages. I was just sad all the time at first, then I was angry at him. Then I was just blank. I focused on anything but him. It all changed when he came into my office today with a rose. I was shocked. I hadn't spoken to him since the break up and I was afraid I wasn't going to see him again, but there he was standing in my office. The office never seemed so magical. He had a way of making everything seem magical. We leave the room together, so that we can talk. He seems nervous and I am anxious to hear what he has to say. He then starts to apologize. He says he made a mistake and he doesn't expect me to take him back. He says he loves me and he only wants me to be with him. He just kept saying word after word, but after “I love you” I hadn't heard anything else. I begin to cry. He looks worried, but these are tears of happiness. I am so overjoyed, I cannot contain it. I am laughing and crying at the same time. I don’t hold back and I hug him tightly. I think that he is tearing up now too. The hug seems to last forever, but eventually we let go. We leave the building holding hands.


I made a huge mistake about a month ago. I broke up with the most amazing, smart, and beautiful girl in the world. I love her and I always have. I only broke up with her because I had to. Her boss came to me and said that she was missing work because of me. Her boss said that I was going to get her fired. I know she cares a lot about her career, and so do her parents. I had to protect her. I knew that she would protest, and she did, but I just decided to think about how I was protecting her. It was the only way I could leave. I thought that I would get over at some point. When I left, I only got worse. I got sick and then depressed. I realized that I had given up the love of my life and that I needed her. I had to find out if she loved me- if she was over me so quickly or if she still wanted me. I am at her office now. I am about to open the door to her room. I am scared to find out what she will say. I don’t know if she is going to take me back after I broke her heart so badly. I am going in now, because I have to. I see her, sitting at her desk with her headphones in which means she is writing instead of working right now. I am getting closer and I she notices me. Her mouth drops open and I can’t tell if she is happy or sad about seeing me. I think that her face is lighting up now, but I could be making it up in my head. I put the rose on her desk and ask to talk to her. We are going outside of the office. I am very nervous, but I know what I am going to say. I begin to apologize and then I tell her how much I need her. I say “I love you” and I mean it more than I ever have. She is starting to cry now. I knew that I had broken her heart. I am worried that I broke it too harshly and I might have broken her entirely. She looks at me and smiles. I am no longer nervous. I am getting excited and my heart is racing for a different reason. She is laughing and crying. She grabs me and gives me a hug. We leave because we can’t bear to be apart right now. 

You have no idea how WEIRD it was to write and read that! Ew Cooooties, right? Lol I miss kindergarten! >.< HAHAHA I'm kidding, but it was weird. Totally got this from watching movies and reading books. 

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